My Story

I first began my KonMari journey in the summer of 2015. I will admit, the timing was really bad. We had our first brand new baby, we had just put our home on the market and my husband was preparing for a huge final exam. We had some major life changes happening all at once and maybe that’s why I felt like I needed order and organization in my life. During this time, a book about a new Japanese organizing method seemed to keep popping up in my news feed every time I got online. It intrigued me. So I checked out The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up from the library and couldn’t put it down. The concepts were explained so clearly and all of it made sense. I began my “tidying festival” with the first category but didn’t get very far. Like I said, the timing wasn’t ideal. Life calmed down a few months later and I began anew in 2016 – this time I was much more successful. It was a long and arduous process, but it was therapeutic and it made me feel so light. It truly was life-changing.

Until I discovered the KonMari Method, I never explored the path of being an organizing consultant. I didn’t realize such a profession even existed and I had never met anyone who did it. I had been happily photographing weddings and running a business for almost 10 years and wasn’t looking for anything else. But my life changed with my first child and I began to put a lot of time and thought into making my home a sanctuary. I wanted order, peace and efficiency. And I achieved that by organizing my entire home.

In the spring of 2017, I saw an announcement on Marie Kondo’s Twitter that she was training people in the United States to be KonMari consultants. It sounded like my cup of tea. I jumped on the early bird registration and drove to Los Angeles the following July to make it official. Following the summer workshop, I spent many months working toward certification. In March 2018, I received the news that I had become the 100th KonMari consultant worldwide and the first in the Las Vegas area. This was definitely a “spark joy” moment for me.

If you would like to share your tidying journey with me or request my help, feel free to drop me a line – I’d love to hear from you!